Baba Ji

The True Lord through His grace sends saints, sadhus and Braham Gianis to this world for the welfare and upliftment of the people. They of course show their philanthropic side but in addition they also impart spirituality and teach people to follow the true path.
ਜਨਮ ਮਰਣ ਦੁਹਹੂ ਮਹਿ ਨਾਹੀ ਜਨ ਪਰਉਪਕਾਰੀ ਆਏ ॥
ਜੀਅ ਦਾਨੁ ਦੇ ਭਗਤੀ ਲਾਇਨਿ ਹਰਿ ਸਿਉ ਲੈਨਿ ਮਿਲਾਏ ॥੨॥
Those generous, humble beings are above both birth and death.
They give the gift of the soul, and practice devotional worship;
they inspire others to meet the Lord. ||2|| (SGGS Page 749)

Such a great soul was Sriman 108 Braham Giani Sant Baba Dhanna Singh ji Maharaj.
Sant Baba Dhanna Singh ji was born in village Pakhowal, District Hoshiarpur to father Sardar Sher Singh and mother Sardarni Partap Kaur.Village Pakhowal is four kilometers from the town of Saila khurd (situated on Hoshiarpur to Chandigarh Main road).The parents brought up the child in a too much careful manner. Time passed by and the child grew up the parents  introduced the child to the Gurudwara so that he could be imparted religious education and knowledge of the Gurmukhi alphabet by Granthi Sahib.From the Granthy Singh, He learned the Gurmat Vidya. He however recited the holy verses in his mind, as taught by Granthy Singh. Reciting holy Gurbani, Doing seva and love to all was his nature. From the childhood He was free from worldly attachments. At the end of teen age, He goes to ‘Kaharpur’ with the sangat of village. It was a very significant event in the life of Baba Dhanna Singh ji when He meet to Sant Baba Hari Singh Ji (Kaharpur Waley). Baba Dhanna Singh was in search of an enlightened preceptor who could guide him the right path to worship and attain the Lord Almighty. With the blessings of Mahapurakh He learned the right way of meditation, recitation of Gurbani and remembrance of the Name of the Lord .Here With the blessings of Sant Baba Hari Singh ji, he baptized with the ambrosial nectar of the two edged sword. He remained involved in SIMRAN  and served the Gurudwara with full devotion.
At the age of 18 he joined  army.He used all his spare time to go to ‘Hoti Mardan’ for doing  seva in Langar & contemplation of God. He fought in the war of 1914-1918 for army & got the victory. After this He suddenly leave the army and goes to Kaharpur .When Baba Hari Singh ji asked him, “Why You left the services?”
Then He replied, “Maharaj ji now I decided to serve my Waheguru for the rest of my life.”
Baba Hari Singh ji said, “ First go to home and ask your parents for it & do as they ordered .”
Baba ji then came to his village & asked parents for it.
After hearing all the matter, father Sher Singh Ji said, “My son if you decided to be a saint then in future be a real saint not a false one. This will shame to me, if people will say that the son of Sher Singh is not a real saint. This is very difficult way that you want to choose. Think again!”
“Father! I promised to be a real saint, Kindly bless me” Baba ji replied.
Mother was also watching all this, she wept & with loving blessings she permitted his son to go for become a real saint.
After this Baba ji came to Kaharpur, starting seva, simran &  performed his meditation as directed by Baba Hari Singh Ji. While in Samadhi he was not conscious of the happenings around him. Baba Hari Singh Ji was very happy to Saw Baba Dhanna Singh Ji in this stage. One day Baba Hari Singh Ji gave his blessings, “Sant Ji! Your penance has completed here. You have now to go to west side & find a peaceful place for worship of Waheguru. You have to bless the people  with the teachings of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and baptized them with Amrit of the Khanda-Batta.”
Sant Baba Dhanna Singh ji Maharaj obeyed the orders of his Gurudev & start his journey to west side. Finally reached in small jungle near village Lalpur & Bhana.
Blessed was the soil of Lalpur & Bhana, which became home of spirituality.
Braham Giani Sant Baba Dhanna Singh ji Maharaj left for his heavenly abode on 30-01-1988.

1 comment:

  1. Sant babaji later also came to Uttar Pradesh and preached here. Sant baba Dhanna singh ji Gurdwara is established here.
